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Def Familia Entertainment is excited to welcome you to our LLC organization. Before we begin PLEASE take the time to understand the mission and overall goal for Def Familia Entertainment. Take the opportunity to read and appreciate the concept of what Def Familia Entertainment represents before committing yourself to any responsibilities or roles. Def Familia Entertainment is an organization whose mission is to connect the deaf and hearing communities by facilitating and supporting them in achieving some, if not all, of their aspirations. Through ongoing community service as well as fund-raising events, we here at Def Familia Entertainment are confident that we will encourage ,inspire and allow the Deaf Community to grow and build with STRUCTURE! As we know, CHILDREN are the most precious and delicate human beings. Def Familia Entertainment is determined to set a positive example by educating our children and leading them in the right direction. Def Familia Entertainment firmly believes that loyalty and dedication are necessary to fulfill our responsibilities within the community. It takes an entire village to raise a child!
Why was Def Familia Entertainment created? Representatives of Def Familia Entertainment have a deep passion to share knowledge, experience and wisdom. Our purpose is to share these attributes to those who are unaware and lacking guidance within our deaf and hearing communities. We believe that we must give in order to receive. At Def Familia Entertainment our duty is to provide encouragement and leadership to help our communities build a strong foundation while simultaneously developing a successful and inclusive corporation; providing employment for deaf and hearing individuals. We hope we can add you to our organization! Know that you are a valuable asset to us and we hope that Def Familia Entertainment can be just as important to you.
Def Familia Entertainment is pleased to welcome you to our Def Familia team!
Deaf Ecosystem Spotlight - Def Familia Entertainment Convo
We need to re-think Deaf people and music!
Learn why from De'Angelo Brown, owner of Def Familia Entertainment, an organization determined to elevate the skills of the Deaf Community in the music arts.
Find more resources in the Deaf Ecosystem Directory in your Convo app!
Music by De'Angelo
DEF FAMILIA ENTERTAINMENT © 2006 - 2024 all rights reserved
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